“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week #3 DIG315 Website Eval's

I chose to evaluate Hollister Co.'s website: http://www.hollisterco.com/
  • The navigation had some pro's and con's.....the entry page to the website did not fit the suggested 800x600 of the text book. In order to view the entire page, you had to scroll down to see all of the options.  There was consistency and repetition in the navigation tools as far as design, placement, and usefulness; it was clear and simple.  The website also utilized frames as a way to organize their selection tools; some of them remained stationary while you viewed the page, others moved while you scrolled up and down. 
  • I think the web page has great visual appeal and the overall design and use of graphics helps state their purpose and provides good direction for the reader.
  • The page did consist of an abundance of graphics and information...though it was well placed, it did cause the page to take a little while to load.
  • As a shopper, interactivity on this site was easy, and not stressful or frustrating when trying to locate exactly what you are looking to purchase. 
  • I also believe that the display of this page is good example because it includes all of the C.R.A.P. principals and executes them well. 
  • Overall, it is a good site that accommodates their target shoppers!

The second site I viewed was Albright's Moodle site http://moodle.albright.edu/
  • Again, the entry page did not fit the recommended 800x600, but it did include the pyramid technique by containing the most important information first and then level of importance trickled down the page.
  • Navigation is good, selection tools are framed out to help a reader navigate through the page.  Tools are clearly defined and organized throughout the page. (ie. log-in box and most frequently used tools placed first, directly at the top of the page)
  • Sorry Albright, but I don't find the Moodle site to have much visual appeal at all!  It's simple and functions well, but nothing about it grabs my attention.
  • Loading time for the website itself is rather fast, but when using the log-in function to navigate you to other areas of the site, it's often slow.  All other links are quick to load, well placed, clearly defined, and extremely useful for users.
  • The website serves as a tool for students, in this instance, I think that perhaps the simplicity of it makes it easier for one to navigate.  The interactivity is one of the site's strong points!

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