“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week 1 DIG315 Quiz

Pg 112 Quiz
1.  To ensure that all of your stockholders receive the annual report, I believe that print would be the best option.  The stockholders may consist of a variety of people, some may not have the ability, or prefer not to access that type of information via the web.  Print would guarantee everyone receives the information you want to provide.
2.  To ensure that you are reaching a large amount of businesses in the most cost efficient manner, I would use the web in this instance. Besides saving costs, utilizing the web has the added bonus of giving giving each of the agencies and studios an example of your work derived from the design of your advertisement. 
3.  The most cost-efficient and thorough way of notifying all of your customers of the software updates would be via email.  If they are already using your software, chances are that they can easily access an email via the web. 
4.  You would have to find a way that could guarantee that each of your clients would receive this valuable information.  You may have to consider both print and web depending on your clients resources.  If I had to choose, web would be the best way to reach clients routinely to update information that changes at such a fast pace. 
5.  If readers' responses are so strong, and the booklets you are offering are extremely useful for students and clients, you want to find a way to produce them that is both cost efficient and easily accessible.  The publisher's gripe about them being too small can serve as an advantage to you and the readers.  I would utilize the web to design and publish the pamphlets; use a print friendly way to display them.  Since the pamphlets are small, this gives the readers the option to print them out themselves if they choose to do so at little cost and it will also allow you to reach the rest of the world with your information.
6.  In order to compile a "high" quality collection, print may be your best option.  It will be a tangible item that demonstrates your artistic talent and it will enhance the quality of the work.  You could also utilize the web to "promote" the type of print that you create. 

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