“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week 1 DIG315 Readings

About my readings........
Chapter 1 was somewhat of a review for me.  I had previous knowledge of the majority of the terms mentioned, but it was a good refresher! 
Chapter 2 was useful for learning the differences and values of a search engine vs. a directory.  I have never used the yahoo or google directory, but I believe that I have used other varieties of directories doing research in my psychology cohort--for example, the library resources. 
Chapter 5 offered new insight into my understanding of designing for the web vs. designing for print, particularly the advantages and disadvantages of both.  If I had to sum it up, I would say that the web is more cost efficeint and has the ability to reach a larger audience.  It also allows for information to be displayed and provided in a manner that is effective and abundant.  From a designer standpoint, it offers a vast number of resources, options, and enhances one's ability to express their creativity.  Designing for print is somewhat limited by your budget and available resources; it can be costly.  I consider print design to be somewhat inferior to web design because it limits the amount of content and information that one can display at a given time.  Print design does have some advantages that are primarily based on the conveniences it offers to the reader. 
Chapter 6 taught me about C.R.A.P.. Loved learning about this!!!  I can say that I will ever look at another website or form of advertisement again without using these principles. It also sparked my creativity, and I can't wait to apply these principals to my work.

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