“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 DIG315 Readings

Chapter 9 & 10
I learned a lot of new info that was otherwise unfamiliar to me.  My only experience with photos and the web was using Picasa to do a quick edit, and uploading a photo onto Facebook.  Photoshop is somewhat new to me.  I have used the program a few times before, but got frustrated with it, and that was pretty much the end of it!  Here's what I've gained from class and readings so far this week........
I never quite understood the reasoning for saving an image as a Gif, Jpeg, and so on....I had no idea that it changed the file size or the colors (bit depth) in the images themselves.  I now have an understanding of when and why to choose which format.  When learning about resolution, I also never knew that you could change the image resolution to a ppi of 72, and that it would not effect how the image is displayed in the web.  When learning about web or browser safe colors, I didn't even know there was such a thing. 

My new found experience with photoshop has taught me several things, but I still think there are some pro's and con's.  Perhaps I was hesitant in using it before because it's such a large program with endless options.  I do like the fact that it has endless capabilities for what you can do with an image....adding text, changing the overall design if the image, and editing it in so many ways; it's endless.  I think I still struggle a little bit and find it somewhat hard to navigate some of its functions that we have learned so far.  It seems like some of the options are somewhat hidden and hard to find.  Everything that you try to do is somewhat tedious in the steps that you need to take, and maneuvering through the program is not always easy.  However, the pro's and possibilities of what photoshop allows you to do with an image totally out way the con's.  I think if I'm just a little more patient with learning the program and spend the necessary time experimenting with it, I will overcome being hesitated to use it. 

Chapter 12
Readability vs. Legibility
Readability refers to being able to clearly read the text that is provided, while legibility refers to recognition of the text that is provided.  They should coincide with one another in order to ensure that whatever you are trying to portray/display to a reader is displayed in the most effective and efficient manner. Readability includes the size and font of the text which can also include the use of bold, italics, etc. In order to determine that your reaching a good level of readability; your text shouldn't be too big or too small, and a variation of such things as bold, italics, etc. should be used, but shouldn't be overly repetitive.  Placement and amount of text is also important (size of lines and amount of text included).  Legibility includes the shapes and placement of words to organize it in a manner that is easily recognized and organized.  Again, typeface is a key factor in assuring legibility.  When considering readability and legibility, it is important to include different levels of contrast; it allows the readers to decipher the information and guides their attention the way you want!

Having knowledge in typography along with incorporating the C.R.A.P. principals learned last week are essential tools that we will use when designing our website project.  It provides all the basic elements we will need to develop our website successfully from start to finish.  The most valuable things I have learned thus far.......how to capture a reader's attention and keep it, how to guide a reader through the page by organizing and displaying information in the most productive manner.....make it flow!  How to ensure readability and legibility are achieved.  I also learned what I can and can't do, and how to do it.....choice of text, font, placement, etc.

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